What is happening at Bryan?
African Drumming meets on Monday and Thursday 3:30
Millard Reads meets Thursdays at 7:45 am
- School resumes- January 7th
- StuCo Meeting- January 8th
- School Improvement Team- January 13th
- NO SCHOOL- January 20th
- Godfather's Night- January 21st
- StuCo Meeting- January 22nd
- 3rd Grade Rose Theater- January 22nd
- 4th Grade Kindness Retreat- January 28th
- StuCo & Educators Rising- January 29th
- Multicultural Night- January 30th
- Don & Millies Night- February 6th
- 1st/2nd grade to the Symphony- February 13th
- NO SCHOOL- February 14th and 17th
- Freddy's Night- February 18th
- 5th Grade Rose Theatre- February 21st
- StuCo & Educators Rising- February 26th
- One School, One Book Kickoff- February 28th